We’re committed to sustainability, with ambitious targets to lead our sector towards a greener and brighter future
Our Sustainable Future
Our Sustainable Future is our guideline and set of targets for the very highest levels of environmental performance, transparency, and accountability.
Its bespoke nature allows for tailor made solutions, listening to communities to understand their needs, and responding to their unique challenges.
We’re one year in to delivering on Our Sustainable Future Strategy, download our highlights report below to find out how we’re getting on.
Our action plan
Our action plan reflects our dedication to being a responsible business and the commitments that underpin all our activities. It defines success based upon actual performance, be that at point of handover or in use. It embraces the latest industry best practice as has flexibility built in to allow for future modifications and advances in thinking.
Our action plan has five dimensions
Net zero carbon
Health & wellbeing
Circular economy
Enhancing biodiversity
Social Value
Reducing carbon
We use an innovative carbon calculation tool, Carbonica to measure whole life carbon emissions at the building design, construction and entire lifecycle stages. It enables us to pinpoint exactly where carbon savings can be made and ensures we are making environmentally friendly decisions based on meaningful and robust data.
Visit Carbonica