Bury Council and Muse form Prestwich Regeneration JV
17.11.22 5 min read

The £100m regeneration of Prestwich Village has taken a huge step forward!
We’ve joined forces with Bury Council to form a JV to accelerate the regeneration of Prestwich Village, where together we’ll transform the Longfield Centre into a vibrant, family-friendly destination that becomes a new beating heart for the community.
Now the JV has been formed we’ll be hitting the streets, embarking on a ‘community conversation’, to give both residents and businesses the opportunity to have their say and help to shape an emerging masterplan.
Behind the scenes, we’ve been working up initial plans to sustainably redevelop the centre, creating new spaces to help people and businesses to thrive, with a mix of high-quality homes and spaces for all the family, as well as a new community hub that promotes health and wellbeing.
The first stage of the conversation will include drop-in sessions at Prestwich Library, online Q&As and stakeholder workshops. There’ll be a number of opportunities for everyone to get involved in shaping the plans over the next year and people are being encouraged to register their interest.
David Burkinshaw, development director, said:
Cllr Eamonn O’Brien, leader of Bury Council said: “The regeneration of our town centres is a crucial part of our strategy to make sure all areas of our borough can flourish for generations to come.
“This is the biggest single investment we have ever put into Prestwich as we are determined to transform the town and bring about much-needed improvement for the benefit of residents, businesses and visitors.
“I urge all residents and businesses to take part in the consultation events we will be hosting with Muse, and give us your views. It’s essential that everyone is behind the plans to create the Prestwich of the future.”