Helping Manchester towards a net zero future

05.09.23 2 min read by Phil Marsden

We’re proud to be part of Manchester’s Climate Change Partnership and Agency.

Manchester Climate Change Partnership brings together organisations from across the city’s public, private, and voluntary sectors that share the common goal of achieving the ambitious objectives and targets set out in the Manchester Climate Change Framework 2020-2025.

Partnership members commit to:

• Take urgent action within the scope of their own activities, and

• work collaboratively to help others in the wider Manchester community and economy to take urgent action.

The aim of the Partnership is to:

• Work with Manchester Climate Change Agency, Manchester communities, Manchester City Council and other relevant partners to ensure that the city develops and successfully implements a climate change strategy which is aligned with the latest science and built on the diverse views of the city’s stakeholders.

The Partnership’s objectives are to:

• Champion delivery of climate action, raising awareness and promoting the need for urgent and sustained action.

• Initiate action by engaging, convening and influencing relevant partners and networks.

• Work collaboratively to mobilise action.

• Provide evidence based and transparent reports on the city’s progress.

• Aspire to establish Manchester as a world class city for action on climate change.

Muse is delighted to be part of the Manchester Climate Change Partnership, working with other members to try and accelerate climate action in Manchester. We joined the partnership to share our learnings, but also to gain insight as to how others are addressing climate change and reducing carbon within their organisations. ”

“We firmly believe that we need to be honest and transparent about our progress and being involved in a group of like-minded organisations means we can all look to improve and do better. We must all do our part, but coming together in partnership is so much more powerful and will enable brighter futures for all.”

Phil Marsden, Director of Project Management- NW

Read the Impact Report

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