Leading the way for sustainable regeneration

03.11.23 5 min read by Syreeta Bayne

As a nationwide placemaker with sustainability at the core of everything we do, we consider it our responsibility to be innovative and pioneering to do our part in helping to tackle the climate crisis.

Alongside creating places that leave a long-lasting legacy, sustainable regeneration is centred around doing the right thing for people, the environment, communities, and our partners.

It is incumbent upon each and every one of us working in our sector to help move it forwards by sharing our learnings with the broader industry for everyone’s benefit as we strive to create kinder, better places for people and nature in towns and cities across the country.

This belief is reflected in the Our Sustainable Future Highlights Report we have just published, which follows from the launch in 2021 of our Sustainable Development Strategy.

Providing an honest and transparent update on our progress, the report details what we’ve learnt through our work and enables our teams to analyse where we are now, set benchmarks, and measure our performance in the future.

We’re doing this by looking at the impact of what we’re delivering right now.

In Salford, our partnership with Legal & General and Homes England, ECF , is delivering one of the most environmentally friendly office buildings in the UK.

Amongst its many sustainable credentials, Eden has the capability to be net zero in operation, has secured a BREEAM outstanding rating and is the first new building in the UK to achieve a 5.5 NABERS ‘Design for Performance’ Target Rating out of a maximum of 6.

It leads the way on low embodied carbon, with its embodied carbon emissions nearly half of that for a standard office building.

Eden, as befits the name, harnesses nature and the environment too. Its living wall – the largest in Europe – comprises 350,000 plants, and helps to deliver a biodiversity net gain of around 2000%.

The building is a great example of what can be achieved by believing in our core principles, pushing boundaries, and not reverting to standard industry practices.

Setting the bar

Eden is a shining example of how our sector can set the bar high, achieve ambitious climate pledges and make significant sustainable changes.

We can, and must, be at the forefront of efforts to achieve the very highest levels of environmental performance, transparency, and accountability.

Both at Eden and through Our Sustainable Future, we’re demonstrating how sustainable developments can be delivered without breaking the bank.

Yes, there are challenges faced in delivering projects in line with the ambitious targets we have set, but that’s what we do at Muse.

If we’re not creating and curating sustainable places that support and encourage community cohesion and togetherness, then we’re not doing our job properly.

Challenging preconceptions

This is underpinned by a desire to challenge preconceptions that sustainability-centric developments – and schemes that focus on environmental, health and wellbeing benefits – are too difficult, expensive or challenging to deliver.

Down the road from Eden we’re doing just that through Greenhaus; a community of 96 sustainable, accessible, and affordable eco-friendly homes that are paired with green spaces, footpaths, cycle storage and access to public transport.

Alongside our partners at Homes England, the Greater Manchester Combined Authority, and Salford City Council, and through a partnership with Salix Homes, we’ve been on a mission to prove that sustainable, low-cost living can – and should be – accessible and affordable.

Designed to Passivhaus standards, Greenhaus homes are incredibly eco-friendly and fit for the future.

Passivhaus adopts a whole-building approach with clear, measured targets, focused on high-quality construction, certified through an exacting quality assurance process.

As a result heating demand will use 68% less energy than traditional housing, utilising sustainable features such as triple glazing, the latest insulation technology, improved ventilation and airtightness, and air source heat pumps.

In addition to this, Greenhaus is made up of 100% affordable homes through a combination of rent to buy, affordable rent, and social rent.

Rather than just meeting requirements, we made a commitment to target the best possible outcome for the whole community.

We will now be able to share learnings and best practice from Greenhaus to contribute towards a brighter future for other communities across the country.


Greenhaus, Salford

And this is just the beginning.

Our Sustainable Future encompasses the five key objectives we will continue to focus on delivering against: 1. Net Zero Carbon; 2. Health and Wellbeing; 3. Circular Economy; 4. Enhancing Biodiversity and 5. Social Value.

Through these five pillars, we aspire to deliver the highest levels of environmental performance and positive social impact, encouraging transparency and accountability at every step.

Muse has made a made a purposeful commitment to achieve the best possible outcomes to help lead the construction sector towards a healthier, sustainable and brighter future.

Through places like Eden and Greenhaus, and throughout Our Sustainable Future, we are showing what can be achieved when you don’t settle for the status quo.

We’re Muse. We’re leading the way.

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