We are placemakers

We deliver ambitious regeneration at scale, with a long-term outlook.

Our track record of leading complex, mixed-use projects gives us the experience to deliver great places, with the emphasis on sustainability, community and quality.

About Us

Responsible regeneration

We prioritise the things that make great places for people; the amenities and facilities they need, workspaces for businesses, civic and community buildings, healthy transport, nature and biodiversity.

We help nurture inclusive, happier communities, old and new, by creating spaces for people to connect.

Our Approach

We are a partnership business

We always lead with a vision; and supply both the structure and support needed to deliver it.

We’re a part of Morgan Sindall Group, and we’re proud of our partnerships with public sector bodies, social housing providers, landowners, and private enterprises that make great, diverse places a reality.


Working in partnership

We want to create the best outcomes for the places and communities we work in. This means partnering with the best, working with both the public and private sector to deliver a shared vision for a brighter future.

Our Partners

Our Places


Salford Central

The power of strong partnerships to deliver placemaking on a grand scale.

Latest news


Lewisham Gateway Guest Blog: Gareth Blacker


Eden opens for business


Muse recognised for decade of gold-standard culture


UKREiiF: why innovation and affordable homes are at the top of our agenda


Supporting innovation in Salford


ECF joins Homes England Delivery Partner Framework to accelerate delivery


How new procurement rules and frameworks could unlock complex urban regeneration


Planning application submitted for the revival of Earlestown Town Hall


PODCAST: The civic role of a new town hall


ECF joins Place-Based Impact Investing Network