New Passivhaus homes before Salford planners
05.08.24 3 min read

Our longstanding nationwide relationship with Homes England and Legal & General as part of the ECF partnership has produced another vision for new green and affordable neighbourhood, with a scheme for 90 homes in Salford submitted for planning consent.
Subject to approval, our proposals will see the former Regent Trading Estate become Oldfield Basin. It will feature 63 one and two bedroom apartments and 27 town houses designed to Passivhaus standards.
The new homes would stand next to Islington Mill, location of the Islington Mill Arts Club (IMAC), one of Greater Manchester’s most important bases for artists and creative businesses. Two commercial units from the five warehouses on the existing site will be retained for continued use by cultural enterprises.
Our intention is to complement the new homes with attractive public spaces. As part of the proposals, the existing building which sits over the former canal basin will be demolished, leaving the area protected with landscaped, open space and associated quality public space.
The site off Oldfield Road has been secured by ECF from Salford City Council. On completion, the new homes will be acquired and managed by Derive RP, an independent housing provider created by Salford Council to deliver affordable and social housing across the city.
Natalie Kennedy, senior project manager said:
Robin Lawler, Board Chair of Dérive RP, said:
“Derive RP was established by the city Mayor to meet the housing challenges within Salford and this scheme represents genuine progress in delivering more affordable and sustainable homes for the people of Salford. The Derive board and executive team are focused on working with local people to ensure we provide homes where people want to live and that are located within safe and thriving communities.”
The project, designed by Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios, has been drawn up in consultation with Islington Mill Arts Club (IMAC). The project team includes Re-form advising on landscape design and DPP as planning consultant.
The site falls within the Salford Central regeneration area, which ECF is leading on for the city council. As part of the masterplan, ECF has already delivered Greenhaus, 96 affordable homes build to Passivhaus standards on nearby Chapel Street, and is currently on site with their second, Willohaus (100 Passivhaus homes) off Peru Street.
We expect to hear the outcome of the Oldfield Basin application in early October 2024.